(If you are happy to receive newsletters & other communication from the Society via email)
Individual Membership - £8.00 Family Membership - £15.00
Data Privacy Policy (Key items)
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations which came into force on May 25th 2018, the Society has produced a policy statement with respect to your personal data. The following highlights the principal points. For full document details click here or you can request a printed copy from the Chairman if you do not have internet access.
1) The Committee of the Local History Society holds the following personal data on its members:
Name, address, telephone number, membership status (if paid for current year) and, in most cases, email addresses. The Committee members and Website / Database Administrators are the only people who have access to this data.
2) We use this data to inform you about Society meetings, outings and any other local history events that are likely to be of interest to members.
This use constitutes a “legitimate use” under the new regulations and therefore does not need your specific consent. Consent is assumed when you give us the personal data.
3) What we will not do is pass any of your personal data on to any other organisation, nor use it for any other purpose than that stated above.
The following Payment methods are available
For any membership queries, or if any of your contact details have changed, please inform our Treasurer membership.wwlhs1969@gmail.com.