1. The Welford & Weston Local History Society is an educational organisation, affiliated to the Warwickshire Local History Society.
  2. The objectives of the Society are to investigate, discuss, acquire & share knowledge of the history of the Villages and the surrounding areas, and matters relevant to that history.
  3. Membership shall be open to all residents of Welford and Weston, and to other persons with associations or interest in the villages.
  4. The Officers of the Society shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and an Archive Custodian.
  5. The Committee shall consist of the Officers, and two or three other members of the Society. Other members may be co-opted as necessary.
  6. Four members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
  7. The Committee shall cause to be kept a Register of Members of the Society, Minutes of all meetings, and Financial Accounts, and arrange for an independent review of the Accounts.
  8. An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held not later than 30th April in each year. 
  9. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:
    1. To receive and if thought fit, adopt a report by the Chairman, and a statement of accounts prepared by the Treasurer.
    2. To elect or re-elect Officers and Committee of the Society for the ensuing year.   
  10.  The Chair shall stand down after a period of three years in office, but may offer him/herself for re-election.
  11. Members shall pay an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be determined by the Committee. Subscriptions shall be paid to the Treasurer not later than two months after the date of the Annual General Meeting.
  12. Meetings of the Society shall be held on dates to be determined by the Committee.  No fewer than four general meetings shall be held between one Annual General Meeting and another.
  13. The Committee shall have power to decide any matter concerning the Society for which no provision is made within the constitution, and amend the constitution accordingly. 
  14. In the event of the Committee resolving to wind up the Society, the Committee shall use its best efforts to deposit for safekeeping all documents and data held by the Society, with the nearest publicly accessible archive willing to take them.
  15. The deposit shall be conditioned by a written undertaking from the archive that should The Welford & Weston Local History Society be reformed at some future date all documents and data so deposited shall be returned to the new Society if so desired. 
  16.  In the event that the Society should be wound up, any assets it has at that time, whether financial or otherwise, shall be offered by the Committee to such organisations as it seems appropriate or by default to the Welford and Weston Memorial Hall.